In the wake of the Great Storm of 1900 that devastated the once booming city of Galveston, two Italian immigrants and their son, Seaborn “Buddy” Hughes landed in the Queen City of the Gulf to start a new life in America. They quickly made a name for themselves, working hard running an Italian sausage stand that grew wildly popular throughout the region. Seaborn worked the family business, alongside his parents, at local fairs and the like, but eventually went down his own path. He became a craftsman, and made a career as a woodworker, creating custom furniture and novelty pieces by hand.
Later in life, Seaborn would spend time with his grandson and namesake, Buddy, passing on his passion for artistry and attention to detail. After a hard day’s work, they would often pass the evening bank fishing Galveston Bay, and it was in those places, the shop and the sea, that Buddy’s loves for craftsmanship and the coast were born—“Seaborn,” if you will.
Today, the spirit of Seaborn Hughes continues through the life and work of Buddy and others like him, who are committed to the finest craftsmanship and customer service in the industry. Their work represents a unique confluence of Texas culture— boots and beaches, cactus and conch—right where oil and ocean meet and where ranch runs into reef.